Quotes from To Be Or Not To Be...

Dawson: "Pacey Witter is leaving early to do homework.... Slightly less believable than an Enquirer headline."

Ty: "You know, I thought most women admired persistence."
Jen: "Well that just goes to show how little you know about me. I'm not most women."

Jack's Poem: TODAY
Today was a day the world got smaller, darker
I grew more afraid, not of what I am but of what I could be
I loosen my collar to take breath
Eyes fade, and I see him, image of perfection
His frame strong, his lips smooth
I keep thinking, what am I so scared of?
And the worst, I can escape from pain
But these thoughts they invade my head
Bound to my memory and like shackels of guilt....

Andie: "Jack is not gay. He's talked about girls his entire life. He's crazy about Joey. He hates Madonna. He's not gay."

Joey: "Kiss me."
Jack: "Why?"
Joey: "Just 'cause."

Dawson: "It's the elephant in the room syndrome, the obvious but unspoken topic, the thing that's lurking but never brought up. Of course, in your case it's a gay elephant."

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