Quotes from Escape From Witch Island

Pacey: "Now doesn't that just warm your heart? Kevin and Wendy taking those first tentative steps back to the Wonder Years."
Jen: "Actually, it just makes me really glad that you and I had the forethought never to hook up."
Pacey: "Amen, Sister Christian."
Jen: "Why is that, do you think?"
Pacey: "Well, if you look at the clinical research you'll find that the smart-ass sidekick, he never gets the girl."

Pacey: "Nobody brought snacks? C'mon guys, what is a field trip without the snacks? Nobody brought the Doritos, the Ho Hos? My kingdom for a Coke wrapped in tin foil."

Jen: "Oh, I like souvenirs."

Pacey: "I'm brooding and comely."

Wendy: "If you've ever loved somebody that you couldn't be with you can feel it in the air. Sadness, longing, the uncertainty...."
Joey: "Are you taking this down, Dawson?"

Wendy: "You shouldn't mess with things that you don't understand."

Jen: "I wonder if Pacey loves me yet."

Joey: "Dawson, what exactly do you know about my life these days? I mean, think about it. I mean, do you know how I lost my job? How I did on my PSATs? How the Potter sisters are eking out their meager living? And you know, I don't know a thing about your life either."
Dawson: "Joey, I'm sorry if I've been distant. But... I thought that's what we needed."
Joey: "You know what? The last year of my life has been this wide-awake nightmare of conflicting emotions, and no matter how bad it got there was always one thing that kept me going. That was us. Our bond, our connection, whatever you want to call it. It made me feel like I wasn't alone, that I was part of something special. So, I'm not whining about being friends or not being friends. It's just... for the first time in my life, I'm not feeling that connection, Dawson. It scares me."

Pacey: "You know, love has this horrible habit of messing everything up."
Jen: "That it does."
Pacey: "But sex is nice."
Jen: "Yes it is."
Pacey: "Yes it is. Sex good, love bad. You toss it into the wok, it messes the whole thing up."
Jen: "This is true."
Pacey: "I'm starting to think that maybe casual sex is the way to go."
Jen: "Sex is never casual, Pacey."
Pacey: "Perhaps, but what if both partners agreed to the terms beforehand?"
Jen: "Like a pre-nup?"
Pacey: "Yes, exactly, like a pre-gettin' busy agreement. I'm just thinking out loud here, but the concept of two horny teenagers coming together for some gleefully nasty coitus and parting as friends is positively revolutionary in this day and age."
Jen: "Sounds killer in theory."
Pacey: "No guilt."
Jen: "No shame."
Pacey: "No head games."
Jen: "No bad mixed tapes."
Pacey: "I hate those."

Dawson: "Joey, you yourself once told me that some love stories never end. What happened to that girl?"
Joey: "She offered herself to the boy she loved... the boy she thought loved her back. And he rejected her."
Dawson: "Joey, listen to me, if we are truly meant to be, then we will find our way back to each other. It's as simple as that."
Joey: "You so sure about that, Dawson?"

Joey: "Okay, I'm now sufficiently wigged."

Joey: "You know, I hate to be one of those girls who mistakes pop lyrics for profound thought, but sometimes love just ain't enough."
Jen: "And I hate to be the one to burst this whole subtextual bubble that you're living in, but do me a favor, Joey, don't let somebody else's love life dictate your own."

Pacey: "All I know is that in November of 1999, four hyper-verbal teenagers wandered off into the woods on Witch Island to film some ridiculous documentary for history class and eight hours later, two of them started making out."

Jen: "Roswell's on in five minutes anyway."

Joey: "I think the crack habit has definitely come between you and your cognitive powers, Dawson."

Joey: "I think this is one X file we're never going to close."

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