Quotes from Hopeless
Mrs. Valentine: I give you a lot of leeway around here, Drue. You want that to continue? You will do as I say.
Drue: You ever notice the pushier you get the more you resemble a Disney villainess?
Pacey: I'm offering a brother's opinion, okay. And as a brother, I can tell you that that is not a going out of the house outfit. It is the bottom layer of something that could become a going out of the house outfit, but not until you put on a sweater or something.
Gretchen: This is a sweater.
Pacey: No, it's not. A sweater is a big baggy shapeless thing that hides the human form. They're specifically designed for sisters about to go out on dates.
Mr. Brooks to Dawson: You're still young enough to fall in and out of love a few more times before you get it right.
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