Quotes from Future Tense

Joey: Maybe I'll just go to one of those fictional colleges, y'know. Like on those lame high school TV shows that go on for way too long and then just in time to save the franchise all of a sudden it turns out that there's this amazing world-class college just right around the corner where all the principal characters are accepted.

Gretchen: Your mom's in the back. Some fish-related crisis.
Dawson: The only kind there is around here.

Jen: Don't say it, Drue. I'd hate for endangered turtles to die while they're dragging the creek for your body.

Dawson: I am never eating a home-cooked meal again, am I?
Gale: Yeah, looks like you're stuck yet again with four-star gourmet cuisine.

Drue to Pacey: I see you brought the prim reaper.
Joey: We came for your immortal soul. That is, if you have one.

Joey: I would like to make a toast. All the love and happiness in the world to my friend, Jen Lindley, on her birthday.
Jen: Well, thank you very much, Joey, but, um, you do know it's really not my birthday.
Joey: That's okay. I mean, we're not really friends.

Andie: I guess I'll be in PR. 'Cause, I mean, that's all I've really ever been good at in life, is painting a happy face on disaster.

Joey: Why New York?
Jen: Because New York is finishing school for cynics like us.
Joey: I'm not a cynic.
Andie: Ha! Okay, you're not exactly sunshine personified, Joey.

Jack: So, you think we're the only two people not having fun at this thing?
Dawson: It's hard to tell. Everybody could be having fun, or they could just be imitating the fun they see people have in movies.

Pacey: Okay, that's enough, it's time for us to leave now 'cause, see, you're drunk, you're bordering on disorderly, and you are definitely insane.

Pacey: I would hate to think that I fell in love with a moron.
Joey: So, you're in love with me, huh?
Pacey: Well, not currently, no. Right now you're just some crazy drunk girl I gotta get in that door without waking up all the paying customers at her sister's B & B. But generally speaking? Yes.

Dawson: I've seen how much she loves him. I've seen it in her face. I've seen them hold hands, I've seen them kiss, and tonight I saw them fight, which is something I've basically seen them do every day of my life since the fifth grade...
Gretchen: But not like this.
Dawson: I think it was actually worse than the kissing.

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