Synopsis of Separation Anxiety

Written by Tamara Jaron

Jen wants to know what happened between Tobey and Jack during prom. Jack won't share any details, but boy does he look happy. Drue interrupts their conversation with a delivery - school yearbooks. They excitedly open their books only to come face-to-face with a depressing picture - the photo of Joey and Pacey that Dawson managed to sneak into the yearbook at the last minute. We learn a bit more information. Apparently neither Pacey and Joey or Dawson and Gretchen have spoken to each other since prom.

Drue wants to place bets about who will end up together. Jack and Jen eagerly take out their money just as Dawson and Joey walk up.

Dawson is applying for a summer film program at USC. His mother interrupts his preparations to ask whether he has spoken to Gretchen since prom. Dawson is tight-lipped, but his mother encourages him to hold on to her friendship. Dawson is defensive about his ability to handle his own friendships. His mother gets up to leave, but stops to break the news that Gretchen is leaving town. She quit her job at the restaurant.

Dawson isn't sure he should talk to her since she didn't tell him she was leaving. His mom says he should give it a try if he cares about her. Perhaps he can get her to sign his yearbook...

Pacey is helping Gretchen get her car ready for her trip. Sounds like she's taking a long drive. They commiserate about their failed relationships, but neither is ready to face up to their problems.

Jen comes home to discover that Grams is selling her house to put Jen through college. Looks like Jen has decided to go to school in Boston after all. Jen is shocked and upset by the news.

At the country club, Joey runs into the Worthington admissions representative. He invites her to a social gathering for next year's freshmen and asks her to bring Pacey along. She breaks the news that they are no longer a couple, but then lies about them still being friends. The Worthington rep wants her to bring Pacey anyway. He says that he and the Dean of Admissions have an offer for Pacey. Joey, thinking the offer may have something to do with admission to Worthington, accepts the invitation for Pacey.

Grams is defensive about selling the house. Jen doesn't want to think that Grams is doing it for Jen's benefit, but Grams assures her she has her own reasons. She's decided to move into a retirement community. Jen is aghast. Grams is too young for that sort of a place. Grams sticks up for her decision, and Jen demands to see the retirement community.

Dawson goes to the restaurant to see Gretchen. Gretchen is surprised to see him, and they share an awkward moment. Dawson tells her he knows she's leaving, and asks if she was planning on saying goodbye. Gretchen admits she's been trying to figure out how to say goodbye all wee.

Dawson asks her where she's going, and Gretchen explains that she's decided to go back to school to take summer classes. But before that, she's taking a road trip. She's leaving in two days.

Dawson doesn't know what to say. Gretchen asks if she can sign his yearbook before she goes.

Joey goes to Pacey's place, but it takes her a long time to gather the nerve to knock on the door. When Pacey comes to the door, they have a hard time looking each other in the eyes. Joey comes in and explains the Worthington situation in a long, run-on breathless sentence. Before she can finish, Pacey interrupts her.

"I miss you Joe," he says, quietly.

"I miss you too," she says.

Pacey admits he didn't want their relationship to end the way it did, and he agrees to come to the party.

Gretchen and Pacey are packing for her trip. Gretchen doesn't think he should go to the party with Joey, but he doesn't trust the advice of someone who's running away from her problems. She just doesn't want to see him get hurt. Pacey says he has to go to the party for a sign - something that will tell him what to do with his life. And if he gets into Worthington, then he knows he's supposed to be with Joey.

It's time for him to say goodbye to her. He gives her a great big hug and tells her he's glad she came home for the year. They share a moment of love - and a final goodbye.

Jen and Grams go to the retirement home, but don't like what they find. The rules are too strict and the staff too crotchety.

Mr. Leery has just finished watching Dawson's film, and he loves it. When he sees that Dawson is distracted, he tries to ask him what's up. Dawson doesn't want to talk about it.

His father gives him some advice about taking risks and it's as though a light bulb goes off over Dawson's head. He has a sudden moment of clarity, but we're not sure what it means.

Pacey comes to pick up Joey. Things are really awkward between the two of them. As she comes down the porch stairs, they lean in to kiss, forgetting for a moment all that has transpired. They both pull away, confused. Then they head off to the party.

Jen is adamant - Grams cannot move to the retirement community. Grams insists that she is doing it as a gift to Jen, but Jen says she doesn't want the gift. She doesn't want to go to college if it means burdening Grams. She gets upset and walks out.

Joey and Pacey arrive at the party. Joey is lead off by some other freshmen as Pacey and the admissions rep stay behind to talk to the Dean of Admissions.

Dawson comes to Gretchen's place with an idea: He wants to go with her on the trip. In an impulsive move, he's decided to miss graduation to be with Gretchen. He wants to find out if they were meant to be together. Gretchen is thrilled by his sudden display of passion. Still, she tries to talk him out of it. He won't let the moment slip away. He kisses her and she agrees to let him come with her. They hug.

Dawson is leaving, but he can't bring himself to tell his parents. Instead, he's trying to write them a letter. His mom comes in and asks him to watch his baby sister for a while. He's more than happy to spend some time with her before he leaves. He feels guilty about leaving before graduation and he tries to rationalize his decision.

At the party, Pacey talks with the Dean of Admissions. Turns out that the Dean wants Pacey to work as a deck hand on his yacht for the summer. He'll have a chance to explore the Caribbean. Pacey is extremely disappointed, but he tries not to show it. He is very gracious for the offer and promises to think about it. After the Dean leaves, Pacey turns around to look at Joey across the room. He realizes that the two of them are indeed on very different paths.

Jen is explaining to Jack that she's going to have to wait a couple of years before going to college - until she can save up enough money. Jack doesn't want to hear it. He thinks that she can find a way to make it work and that she's just trying to find an excuse to get out of college. Jen thinks his reasoning is wrong, but Jack tells her that she's just scared about leaving the one person who truly cares about her, her Grams. She needs Grams and she has to find a way to keep her in her life.

Pacey explains the Dean's offer to Joey. Joey is sorry and insists that they leave the party immediately. Pacey wants Joey to stay and enjoy herself. He tells her that he's realized Joey has become a confident woman who doesn't need his help or protection to get along. Joey is saddened by his words and wants to know how she can enjoy her new life without him. They end up leaving together.

Gretchen finds Dawson at home with the baby in his arms. She is touched by his big-brotherliness, and Dawson admits he's going to miss a lot over the summer. As Gretchen is listening, it's clear she is coming to a realization. She bids him goodbye for the night and they share a lingering kiss.

Joey asks Pacey if she can spend the night as his place. Not in a boyfriend/girlfriend way, but just as friends. She wants to be near him.

Grams cooks breakfast for Jen. She wants to know what sort of a decision Jen has come to. Jen asks Grams if she would life to move to Boston. Grams won't let Jen make that sort of a sacrifice for her, but Jen insists she's doing it out of selfishness - she wants to have Grams around. Grams is not sure about moving, but eventually Jen talks her into it with a puppy dog look.

The next morning, Joey finds Pacey sitting out by the water. He snuck away while she was sleeping. He's thinking about the past year and the coming summer.

Joey apologizes for bringing him to the Worthington party, but Pacey won't let her take the blame. He admits to her that she is not the reason why they broke up. The things that he said at the prom were hateful and hurtful. It upsets him to think about all the awful things he said. He's proud of her accomplishments and ashamed of his behavior. Still, he can't ignore his feelings of jealousy and worthlessness.

Pacey still thinks the deck hand offer is a sign, just not the one they hoped for. Joey takes his hand - they're on the road to being friends again.

Dawson arrives at Gretchen's place the next morning to find she's already left. But she's left behind his yearbook with a photo and a letter.

"Dear Dawson," the letter reads, "I've been thinking about what to say to you since I left your house yesterday. I thought about waiting for you to come to my door, saying this face to face, but I knew it would be too hard. I realize that as much as I need to move on, you need to stay here. Your whole life is about to change in a way that will never be the same. You're opening a new chapter, and you have to give a proper goodbye to the old one. You don't want to miss these moments, even the sad ones, because you'll never get them back. So enjoy this time. Let it wash over you so that your memories of it are strong. Besides, I don't need to spend a month in a car to fall in love with you. I already am in love with you - and more than you know. So goodbye Dawson Leery. Thank you for changing my life and opening my heart again. You'll never know how much it meant to me. Have a bitchin' summer. Love, Gretchen."

Dawson finds Joey sitting on the dock. They catch up on the weekend, but don't share anything that has happened. They ask each other about their summer plans. Looks like they'll both be spending the summer in Capeside.

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