Synopsis of Coda

Written by Tamara Jaron

Dawson and Joey are watching some of Dawson's old flicks. Dawson criticizes his work on Sea Creature From the Deep, but Joey doesn't want to hear it. Reminiscing about the past makes Dawson wonder how they made it to the present so quickly. He wants to know where time went.

We learn that Dawson has made it into his summer film program at USC, and not only that, he'll be leaving in less than two days. He's in denial about leaving, and he's not sure he really wants to go.

Joey tries to encourage him, saying he shouldn't pass up the opportunity. Dawson still clings to his denial. They both turn back to the movie which, though muted, is still playing. They are reminded of Pacey. Dawson asks Joey is she's heard from him. Joey says she hasn't.

They both commiserate about their failed relationships and Dawson admits that he's had a good time hanging out with Joey since graduation. He doesn't want it to end, but Joey takes a more pragmatic approach. "Everything comes to an end," she says.

Dawson, Joey, Jen, and Jack are spending some quality time together. They are trying to gross each other out with "would you rather?" questions like "would you rather work two straight shifts at the fresh fish house completely naked, or have sex once with principal Peskin?" (This was Jack's offering).

Dawson wins the competition for his perversity, but then has to bolt to meet his dad. The gang makes a date to see a movie that night.

Dawson's dad is buying him a computer. His dad insists on getting him a PC, but Dawson only wants a Mac. He says if he can't have a Mac, he'd rather not have anything. His dad ignores him and buys the PC anyway. Dawson is not pleased.

Jen and Grams are just about done packing up the house. Grams is headed out for one more function with her friends and she reminds Jen that she still needs to pack her room. Jen figures Grams is trying to get her to spend the night at home, and she offers to skip the movie. But Grams won't let her miss out on Dawson's last night in Capeside. Instead, they make a date for tea after the movie.

When Dawson and his dad get home, Joey is waiting to go to the movie. Mr. Leery gets upset -- he thought Dawson would spend his last night at home with his family. His dad takes it personally and gets angry at Dawson. Dawson says he wants to spend some time with his friends and wants to know why his dad is being so controlling. Mr. Leery accuses Dawson of being insensitive, and Dawson accuses him of being overbearing. His father insists he stay home for dinner, but Dawson refuses. He takes a stand, causing his father to walk away upset. Dawson heads to the movie with Joey.

Meanwhile, Pacey has made port in the Caribbean (presumably Jamaica). His crew mates are trying to get him to enjoy paradise, but Pacey just wants to use the phone. He makes a call but receives no answer.

The gang is walking by the docks, heading toward the movie. Jack and Dawson are walking together and Jen and Joey are walking a little further ahead. Jack and Dawson are talking about the future, the summer, and Joey. Jack impresses upon Dawson how important an event it is that he and Joey will be saying goodbye. Yet another thing that Dawson is in denial about. Jack just doesn't want Dawson to regret anything about this night. He asks Dawson if he's thought about staying in Capeside to be with Joey. Dawson admits that he can't stop thinking about it.

Jen and Joey are having a similar conversation. Jen tells Joey that if she asked Dawson to stay, he would. Joey is caught off guard by the suggestion and becomes defensive about what Dawson would choose. Jen calls her on the defensiveness, and Joey admits that she feels bad knowing she has that power over Dawson. Jen just wants to know if she's going to use that power.

Just then the boys catch up with the girls at the theater. The conversations end abruptly, and they head inside to watch American Graffiti.

After the movie, they debate whether to go get something to eat. Jen says she should get home to Grams, but then quickly says she could eat too. Dawson senses everyone's hesitation and says he should probably go home and start packing. Jen and Jack try to excuse themselves so Joey and Dawson can be alone, but they all end up going home together anyway. Joey's house is the first stop on the way to the Leery residence, so she will be dropped off first.

Dawson's parents are sitting at home talking about Dawson. Mr. Leery is still upset about what happened earlier, but Mrs. Leery accuses him of trying too hard to hold on to Dawson. Mr. Leery gets upset when she suggests he's just insecure about the future.

Dawson, Joey, Jack, and Jen pull up outside of Joey's house. Dawson walks Joey to the door to say goodbye. They try to keep it light -- it's an awkward moment anyway. Joey ends up asking Dawson what he would say if he ran into Steven Speilberg out in LA. Dawson, drawing a parallel between his hero director and his best friend, says he would just have to say "thank you." Joey understands. She starts to get teary-eyed and they promise to see each other at Christmas. Dawson's already told her he won't be coming home for Thanksgiving. They wish each other good luck and then hug. Before Dawson can say anything else, Joey runs inside and shuts the door. As he walks away, he hesitates and turns back, only to see her lights go off.

When Dawson drops Jack and Jen at home, they have a going away present for him -- a cell phone. He is shocked and unsure about whether to accept it, but they insist. He thanks them and then says goodbye to Jack, who then jumps in his car and drives off. Jen and Dawson are left together to share their final goodbye.

Dawson walks into his house and finds a Mac ibook sitting on the dining room table. His father appears and tells Dawson how much he's going to miss him. They hug and make up. Mr. Leery shares some final advice with Dawson, and asks what it was like to say goodbye to Joey. Dawson admits it was underwhelming. His father gives him one last piece of advice. "It ain't over 'til it's over," he says. Is this advice meant for Dawson or for the audience? Dawson is not impressed with his Dad's use of a cliche.

Jen and Grams are having their last cup of tea in the house. Jen brings up her mom and how she always tried to recapture the happiness of her Capeside years. Grams says that can never happen with Jen, since she was always so depressed -- it can only get better from here.

There's a knock at the door -- it's Jack. He couldn't let them have all the fun by themselves. Grams admits she's not that sad to be leaving the house. It will be a great adventure for them all.Grams then shares the story of how she and Jen's grandfather came to live in Capeside.

Dawson gets a phone call -- it's Pacey. Dawson is surprised to hear from him. Pacey tells him he's working hard and missing Joey. Dawson suggests that he call her, but Pacey isn't ready for that. Dawson offers to say something to her for him, but Pacey asks him not to. Actually, he didn't call to talk about Joey or check up on her. He called to say goodbye to Dawson. He wants Dawson to know that despite everything that's happened between them, he still thinks about their friendship. Dawson is glad Pacey called because he also has something he wanted to say. "I'm proud of you, Pacey," he says. Pacey is touched. They wish each other good luck and hang up.

Dawson is finally packing. He is clearly distracted and finally can't take it anymore. Grabbing his coat, he heads out the door, presumably on the way to Joey's house. On his way out, he runs into Joey coming up the path. Apparently she had the same thought as him. He's glad to see her.

They head inside and end up on his bed watching ET. After the movie's over, it's time to put the finishing touches on his packing. They try to lighten the situation with some humor, but eventually they have to get serious. Joey admits that she feels like she'll never see him again. Not only that, she's got his whole life planned out for him, right down to his new girlfriend.

Realizing she's getting into emotionally dangerous territory, she changes the subject. She asks Dawson what his all-time favorite movie is. Jaws, he says. He asks about her favorite song. Daydream Believer, she answers. She asks what his most embarrassing moment was. When the whole school watched him make out with Eve. Same question for her. When she offered to have sex with Dawson and he turned her down. Dawson calls that one his all-time biggest regret. What is her regret, he asks. Lying about sleeping with Pacey. Dawson laughs, realizing that he's the only one who hasn't had sex yet.

Dawson asks Joey what her most life-altering event was. Joey says it's when Dawson first kissed her. After she says this, she stands up, looks at Dawson, and tells him that she wants him to stay. Dawson is stunned. He doesn't know how to react, especially when he's supposed to leave the next morning. Joey explains that she doesn't want Dawson to act on what she's just said -- she just felt she had to say it.

She can't keep it bottled up inside. She's going to lose her best friend and she doesn't want to. She also doesn't want him to hate her for telling him the truth. Dawson says he could never hate her. He also says that he can't stay. He feels it's time for him to move on and time for them to move apart from each other.

Joey is crying. She says that Dawson is her saving grace. Her little piece of magic in a world that was never very magical for her. He is her proof that someone out there is thinking about her. She's really going to miss him. He says he'll miss her too.

Seeing that he's not going to change his mind, Joey goes over to the window. Dawson comes behind her and they embrace. As they hold each other, Joey remembers to ask Dawson what his all-time, most life-altering moment was. He pulls back from the hug and looks at her.

"I know it could be this one right now...saying goodbye to you," he says.

They move in closer to each other and share a tender kiss.

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