Synopsis of Promicide

Written by Tamara Jaron

The episode begins with Joey getting her prom dress altered by Bessie. Joey's dress is a very pretty shade of lilac, and it looks beautiful on her. Pacey is lounging on Joey's bed, trying to play the supportive boyfriend. Joey is not looking forward to the prom. Suddenly, Bessie remembers she has to run out and pick up Alexander, and she leaves Pacey to finish the job on Joey's dress.

As he's working, Joey tries to get friendly with him, but he subtly pushes her away. He then asks her if she wouldn't mind picking up the prom tickets -- his academic standing has forbidden him from attending prom. Joey is concerned that Pacey is handling all the preparations, but Pacey is adamant about letting him do it. He says he wants the night to be perfect. She assures him that it doesn't have to be perfect, but he says it's the least she deserves. He promises her smooth sailing, but as he's unzipping her dress, something tears.

Tobey is at Jen's house dropping off magazines with prom dress ideas. He's entertaining Jack and Jen with a story about a senior prom he attended when he was 15 years old. Jack is clearly amused with Tobey.

"So there I am," says Tobey, "15 years old, I'm at this girl's senior prom, and I've just confessed to her that I'm gay. So what does she do in response? She sticks her tongue all the way down my throat." Jack and Jen react with shock. "It gets worse," says Tobey. "She takes my hand and she sticks it on her crotch, and she says, "You may think you're gay now, honey, but give me an hour and I'll rock your world!"

Jack laughs. Jen shifts her eyes back and forth between the two of them with a knowing smile. Tobey bids them goodbye and after he leaves, Jen stops and stares at Jack.

Jack knows what she's thinking. He says he's not asking Tobey to the prom. Jen wants to know why not. Jack admits he's still traumatized by last year's prom experience -- he doesn't want to go through it again. Jen doesn't care about his fears, she thinks they're getting along great together. Jack tries to change the subject, but Jen won't let him. Jack finally lays down the law -- he doesn't want to lead Tobey on by asking him and he's just not interested in Tobey in that way.

Jen, Joey, and Gretchen are trying on prom dresses. Gretchen has picked out a bust-enhancing, sequined number, but Jen can't find a thing she likes.

Meanwhile, Jack and Dawson are trying on tuxes. Turns out that Pacey really is handling every detail -- from the limo to the corsages (sounds like a recipe for disaster).

Gretchen is nervous about prom. It feels like a step backward for her. But she's still in high spirits about her job opportunity and Dawson.

Jack wants to know if Dawson is going to have sex after prom.

Joey wants to know how Jen is doing. Jen admits she's sad and messed up, but otherwise she's good.

Jack warns Dawson to be careful. Dawson won't admit to anything.

Joey has her own concerns. Since Pacey returned from his "fishing trip," he doesn't want to touch her. Jen suggests that maybe he's waiting for her to make the first move. Joey is reassured, but still worried.

Later, Dawson runs into Gretchen on the street. She's bummed because she just found out she didn't get the job in Boston. They wanted her, but because she doesn't have a college degree or any experience, they can't hire her. Dawson comforts her and suggests that they skip prom, but she won't let him make that sacrifice. She says they're going to go and have a great time. As they hug, it's apparent that she's really not that thrilled to go.

Jen has decided to play matchmaker. She goes to Tobey's house and tells him that Jack "desperately" wants to ask him to the prom, but he's too embarrassed. Tobey doesn't believe her at first, but she assures him that she is only the messenger, that Jack begged her to come and ask Tobey for him. She tells Tobey to call Jack and say yes.

Joey and Pacey are hanging out in her bedroom -- on the bed. They are sitting and reading, not touching each other. Joey tries to be forward, reminding Pacey that they are alone in the house. He pretends that he's not listening. Just as she moves in for the kill, he says he feels his stomach calling, and he gets up to make a sandwich. Joey backs off, upset and confused.

Jen gets a phone call from Jack and immediately she tries to explain herself. Jack says he's not mad about her fixing him up with Tobey -- he's just a little surprised. He makes her promise that she will still go to the prom without him on her arm. She swears that she will and asks what's going on. Jack says he saw no use in getting mad when he could get even. At that moment, Jen's doorbell rings. She opens the door to reveal our favorite neighborhood scoundrel, Drue.

"Jack told me everything and my answer is yes," he says. "Jen, I'd love to go to the prom with you."

Jen backs away from the door in shock.

It's prom night, and Dawson has come out of his house for the requisite picture-taking extravaganza. He looks handsome in his tux, and his mom wants to get a picture of him with the new baby. Somehow Mrs. Leery has managed to lose all her baby weight in the span of two weeks -- unbelievable!

Joey's the first person to show up, and she looks incredible. She and Dawson have their picture taken together. The two share a moment of thanks for their friendship before the rest of the gang starts to show up.

Gretchen and Pacey come next. Pacey takes out the corsage to pin it on Joey, and he discovers that it's dead. He apparently didn't know that he was supposed to refrigerate it. They all try to be supportive of Pacey, but he just walks off.

Drue shows up next, but no one is happy to see him. He asks to hold the baby and they all shout "no!" simultaneously.

Jack meanwhile is nervously going to pick up Tobey. When Tobey opens the door, Jack is speechless. Tobey looks great! He's lost his glasses and cleaned up nicely. Tobey is eager and excited, but Jack still can't speak. As they leave, Jack gives a genuine smile.

Back at the Leery residence, the final guest has showed up. It's Jen, and she looks fantastic. Jen is not happy to see Drue, and as soon as Tobey and Jack show up, she makes it very clear how upset she is. After having a few words with Jack about the subject, she runs off behind the house and takes a swig from a hotel-sized bottle of alcohol.

Joey walks down to where Pacey is moping. She's forgotten all the troubles of the last few minutes, and just wants to enjoy her night with Pacey. Once again, he promises her that she's going to have a great night, and upon hearing the limo honk, they head up to meet the gang. When they get to the limo, they are all shocked. Pacey somehow managed to reserve a dilapidated old airport limo which will no doubt make them all the laughing stock of the prom.

They make a pit stop for snacks and sundries. Drue tries to convince Gretchen to purchase some alcohol, but she declines, saying she doesn't want to be responsible for unleashing a drunken Drue on the prom goers.

Tobey and Jack discover that they have3 a common love for sickeningly sweet hostess treats.

Out in the car, Jen offers Pacey a drink from her stash, but he declines, saying he has to take a breathalyzer test later. Jen laughs. Pacey shares his morbid outlook for the future, revealing how major a funk he has sunk into.

Back inside, Joey discovers Dawson buying a pack of condoms -- no doubt for later that night. They share an awkward moment.

The group finally makes it to the prom, which is on a gorgeous yacht. Great, they'll all be trapped in their individual miseries.

Gretchen is feeling very weird. Dawson tries to make her feel better, but it doesn't seem to be working.

Drue is following Jen around like a little puppy dog. Jen is getting ticked off and begs him to leave her alone. He tells her that Jack has offered him fifty dollars to follow her around all night. He is apparently very amused.

Jack and Tobey are getting to know each other better -- and having a great time.

Joey leads Pacey to a secluded spot on the boat and starts to kiss him. He pushes her away again and it is painfully clear that he is suffering from a major self-confidence problem. Joey sits down next to him and wants to know what's going on. Pacey is tight-lipped. He tries to convince her that everything is fine, but she is not buying it. Their conversation is quickly degenerating into an argument.

Finally Pacey starts to talk. "Okay look," he says. "It's not me. But the way I understand it, this is your time to be happy. Your time to be out there and have fun. So I'm just trying to be who you want me to be."

"But I don't want you to be anything but yourself," she says.

"Come on," he says. "You want the perfect corsage, and you want the perfect limo, and you want the perfect dress. You want the perfect prom, and you want the perfect boyfriend."

"That is not true, Pacey. Did I say anything about the limo, or the corsage, or anything else? No. Because that stuff doesn't matter to me Pacey. You know that."

"Well then, why don't you just tell me how you want me to act, 'cause I can't win with you Joey. If I act like I'm unhappy, you get angry with me, but if I act like I'm happy, you get angry with me."

"Well maybe you should stop acting and just talk to me," she says.

"Maybe I just don't have anything left to say..." he answers. When did Pacey get to be so mean? He gets up and walks away, leaving a disbelieving Joey behind.

Jen is now sufficiently wasted. Drue, thankfully, is actually being a gentleman. They are on the top deck of the boat. He gives her his jacket to keep warm. He then tries to confiscate her alcohol. She gives up the bottle reluctantly, only to pull a new one out of her bag. She climbs up on top of a perch, precariously close to the edge of the boat, and Drue starts to get nervous.

He asks her what is bothering her. She tells him about her trip to New York to visit her dad. He finally understands. Jen talks about jumping into the water and Drue starts to really get worried. He tries to get her to come down, but she gets angry and tells him to back off.

Joey wanders into the main room of the boat, alone and sad. Dawson and Gretchen see her and Gretchen, seeing the look on Dawson's face, suggests that he go talk to her. Dawson doesn't want to ditch Gretchen, but Gretchen takes the opportunity to dismiss herself.

Dawson tries to talk to Joey, but she doesn't want to talk about Pacey OR the condoms that Dawson bought. She does want to know how long he and Gretchen have been having sex. Dawson admits that they haven't done it yet -- that tonight may be the night. Joey says she's glad his first time will be with Gretchen. Dawson admits that he'll never find anyone he loves as much as Joey, because she was his first love. Joey agrees -- it's the same for her.

Dawson asks her to dance and she agrees.

Pacey finds Gretchen drowning her sorrows with alcohol. He asks her what's wrong.

"I'm at the prom Pacey," she says. "I'm at the prom again. I mean, I graduated four years ago and I'm still here. You know, tonight is the first time I didn't just feel older than Dawson -- I felt old. I'm too old to be here, to old to be doing what I'm doing."

"Want pathetic?" asks Pacey. "How's this for pathetic: I'm technically still a junior. I'm not even supposed to be here."

"A brother who's too young and a sister who's too old," says Gretchen. "We're quite the lot here Pacey."

"Want to know what the worst thing about the prom boat is?" asks Pacey. "You're trapped."

"Yep," she agrees.

"You know, it's the strangest thing, but ever since I returned from that camping trip with Doug, I've been feeling really angry. But not angry at myself -- it's actually worse than that. I've been feeling really angry at Joey. I don't know why I'm angry at Joey, and that makes me feel guilty. The guiltier I feel, the angrier I get and I still don't know what to do about it."

"Well maybe if you try talking to her, you can start to figure out a reason," suggests Gretchen.

"I don't really know how to start talking to her," he says.

"Well, that's the great thing about being trapped," says Gretchen. "You gotta try."

Jack is having a great time with Tobey -- he finds him really funny. When Tobey asks Jack to dance, Jack suddenly puts up a wall. He insists that Tobey misunderstands his feelings. Their date is strictly platonic, he says. Tobey doesn't believe him, but Jack is defensive. Tobey says Jack better figure out what he's afraid of, or he's going to miss out on something good. He gets up and walks away, leaving Jack to contemplate his words.

Dawson and Joey are dancing and laughing and having a good time. Pacey and Gretchen walk onto the dance floor and see the two of them. Joey sees the look on Pacey's face and stops dancing.

Pacey comes up to them. "What's going on?" he asks.

"Pacey," says Joey, "we were just dancing."

"Yeah, that's what it looked like to me, just dancing."

"This isn't about Dawson and you know it. Pacey, why don't you just tell me what's going on."

"You know what I actually realized when I saw the two of you dancing there together?" asks Pacey. "That is the happiest I've seen you all night. I mean I think it's actually the happiest I've seen you in weeks. You want to know what's worse than that? I don't care. I saw the two of you dancing together, and I just don't care. I'm not angry, I'm not jealous, I'm not upset, I'm not really much of anything."

"Fine," says Joey, turning around, "let's just take this nothing outside."

Dawson looks on helplessly as Pacey starts to make a scene.

"Why?" asks Pacey, turning her back to him. "Because you want to clean up my mess again? You wanted me to take off the happy mask, and the happy mask if off. So answer me this one question, because this is what I've been wanting to ask you Joe -- why are you still with me?"

"Pacey..." she starts.

"Why are you with me?" he asks again. Gretchen and Dawson share an 'uh-oh' look.

Pacey continues, "Because I don't know why I'm still with you. I mean, I used to know, but I don't anymore."

"I'll make a note of that," says Joey, trying to be strong.

"But I do know Joey. I feel like I'm Josephine Potter's little charity project. I feel like I'm the designated loser."

Gretchen tries to intervene.

"Just back off Gretchen," shouts Pacey.

"Pacey, I never said that," says Joey, getting upset. "Look, this isn't about me, it's about you."

"No, it is about you," he yells. "It's about you and how you make me feel when I'm with you, okay? I feel like I'm stupid, and I'm worthless, and I'm never right. But you know what I realize? It is not my fault!" At this point, everyone on the dance floor has stopped to listen to the commotion.

"Because when I'm with you," he continues, "It's 'poor Pacey, he didn't get into college,' and 'stupid Pacey forgot the limo, ripped the dress, and messed up the corsage.'"

"I told you I didn't care about any of that," cries Joey.

"I want you to care! I WANT YOU TO CARE!"

Dawson doesn't know how to handle his friend's meltdown.

Pacey continues, "I don't want you to just accept it like that's the way it's supposed to be! We are not trapped on this boat, you and I are trapped in this relationship. I can't take it anymore, Joey. When I'm with you, I feel like I'm nothing! I feel like I'm nothing. That's why I flinch when you go to touch me. It's why I never touch you, why I never even think about it. Because when I start to, it just reminds me that I'm not good enough."

There is a pause as Pacey catches his breath.

"Are you done?" asks Joey.

"Done? Oh no," he says. "I am just getting started."

"You can stop right now," she says in hushed tones. "You can go to hell." She walks off and Dawson follows close behind.

Drue is still trying to get Jen to come down off her perch, only now he's really starting to get scared. She pushes him aside, and at the same time, he tries to grab her. She slips off her seat and for a moment, dangles along side of the boat with Drue's arms wrapped around her stomach. He drags her into the boat and they collapse on the ground. All the movement makes Jen sick, and she rushes to the side of the boat, where she loses the contents of her stomach. Drue is relieved that she is safe.

Joey is crushed. She wanders onto the top deck with Dawson close behind to comfort her. She falls into his arms, crying.

Jen and Drue are now sitting on the ground on the side of the boat. Jen admits to Drue that she doesn't want to have anything to do with New York. Drue actually listens to her. And to top it all off, he gives her some good advice.

"You know what I think," he says. "I think you should never go backwards when you can go forwards." He then suggests that she look into school in Boston -- that's where he'll be next year. Jen cracks a joke and then smiles at him.

Jack finds Tobey outside on a lower deck of the boat. Tobey is staring off at the moon, probably wishing he hadn't come along. Jack approaches him.

"Hey," he says, with a serious look. "What are you doing?"

"Contemplating swimming for shore," replies Tobey.

"I don't blame you," says Jack. "Look Tobey, I'm sorry about earlier -- what I said, what I didn't say."

Tobey turns around to face him.

Jack continues, "The feelings that I've been having for you are so much more than platonic. They took me by surprise. I was afraid. The thing is, when we first met, you were just so..." he trails off.

"Just say it, I was so gay," says Tobey.

"No," says Jack. "You were so 'out'." You know, and so okay with it. And I admit I was put off by it -- it's all I could see. But tonight I looked at you -- I mean I really looked at you."

Tobey smiles.

"And you're funny," says Jack. "And you're handsome, and nice, and yes, out, but now it's like the one thing that put me's one more thing I like about you. I'm so not afraid anymore."

Jack moves in closer and they share a tender kiss. When it's over, they both smile.

"How about that dance?" asks Jack.

Dawson finds Gretchen in a similar place as Tobey. Gretchen has some news for him. She's decided that she has to go on with her life, to go back to college and get out of Capeside. Dawson is shocked. Gretchen says her place is not with Dawson -- that he's still chasing after Joey. They are just in two different places in their lives. After breaking up with him, she kisses him and walks off.

Pacey finds Joey sitting alone with eyes puffy and red from crying. She can't stand to look at him. He sits down.

"Last year," he begins, "I felt like I could give you something that no one else could give you. I could give you that wall to pain your mural on, I could take you away on a sailboat for the summer. I could even give you that night in the ski lodge. But I don't feel like I have anything left to give you now, Joe. I'm spent. I've become a man who hates himself so much he can't even look at his own reflection in the mirror. And I wish I could tell you that being with you doesn't make that worse, but it does. Because the more that you love me in spite of that, the angrier that I get at you. And the more that I stop loving you back."

"How long have you felt this way?" she asks.

"I know it's not right, and I know that my failures and my shortcomings don't really have anything to do with you, and I also know that if we stay together, I'm going to continue to take them out on you."

"Well I've got news for you Pacey -- how you treat me is actually totally in your power."

"You know, our senior year is over now," says Pacey. "And you and I are just two very different people on two very different paths. For us this summer there is no boat and there is no sunset. There is just Boston and Capeside."

"But Pacey, they're less than an hour apart."

"And more than a world apart, and you know it. You spent your entire life trying to get out of Capeside because you felt like you deserved better. Well I am Capeside. That's why I didn't get out and you did. And you deserve better. You deserve better than this place, and you deserve better than me."

"You break my heart into a thousand pieces and you say it's because I deserve better?"

Pacey has no explanation.

"Just leave me alone," says Joey.

Pacey leaves.

After the prom, in the limo, Jen is passed out on Drue's shoulder. Jack offers him the fifty dollars, but he declines.

Dawson and Gretchen are sitting far apart on one seat, and Joey and Pacey aren't even in the same vicinity. Joey's in the front, next to the driver, and Pacey's in the back, staring into space with the look of someone who's hit rock bottom. No one is speaking.

The driver asks if they would like to go to the after-prom party, but all Joey can do is shake her head.

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